The XOVI On-page Tool with 24 hour updates

Detailed on-page analysis is key to achieving good rankings in Google. Customers often lamented the lack of a reliable on-page tool so we at XOVI took this on board and provided exactly that in V3, becoming the first German software provider to offer its customers an on-page tool.

XOVI’s on-page tool is now able to crawl a huge 25,000 websites rather than the previous 500. Extensions are available to increase this to a massive 100,000 sites. It’s a significant step forward. XOVI can uncover potential in every nook and cranny of your website, saving you time by identifying anything you may have overlooked in your SEO strategy. There’s no more need to manually comb through your site’s source text, the XOVI crawler does it all for you.

Your own website should also be optimized as part of a comprehensive SEO strategy, encompassing both the technical implementation of the site as well as the content itself. The latter includes file size (which affects load times), originality of text and the correct use of H1-H6 tags.

Analysis of the technical infrastructure and its search engine compatibility presents a big challenge. Schedule an analysis to have the XOVI tool examine your website and present an overview of all the key facts and figures regarding your domain. XOVI provides a detailed analysis as far as the twentieth level of the website in question as well as specific optimization suggestions sorted by errors, clues and tips.

Let’s have a look at some of areas that the XOVI tool evaluates:


The reaction time of your website’s server can determine whether a user actually visits your website or whether they get tired of waiting and close the window or return to the Google search results page. The jump-off rate and reaction time are also important signals for the Google bot and can influence the ranking of your website. The XOVI on-page tool analyses your website down to the last degree, differentiating between HTML-sites, CSS files, JavaScript, PDFs and XML. We show you where large files are slowing your website down, resulting in a negative user experience. Page speed monitoring keeps a constant eye on reaction times.


Meta data appears in the header of an HTML document and is used by search engines as an indication of the searchability in the World Wide Web. Apart from the website title the average surfer is unlikely to recognize any of the meta data. The title does however tell Google what the site is about and is an important ranking factor. Whilst the meta description itself is not a ranking factor, Google does use the information in its search result hits, or snippets, on the results page. If you don’t fill in the meta description, then Google simply takes an extract from the site content. The XOVI suite shows you using the exact URL which sites have no meta information, sites where the information is incomplete or instances where the site title has been used multiple times in the HTML document. The length of the title is also important. We compare your meta title data with Google Webmaster guidelines and indicate where action is required.


“A picture says a thousand words” – and this is also true online! However images must also be visible and fulfil certain criteria as regards search engine optimization. File size is an important factor determining site load times and must therefore be kept as low as possible to guarantee a quick response. When load times are too long, users are likely to abandon their search, losing you valuable traffic. This overview shows you image files where the size could be a problem. Identify particularly large files and try to reduce them wherever possible.

External links

Links which lead to defunct or broken sites are annoying for users and undesirable in SEO. In the external links section of the on-page tool, you can see all the external links on your website and the HTTP status code returned by the link target. Use the filter to isolate, for example, all pages with a 404 error and repair or delete your links as necessary.

Additional tools

The on-page section of the XOVI suite also contains additional tools such as a WDF*IDF text optimizer and a page speed monitoring tool. The HTTP header analysis and domain quick analysis complete the package.


The WDF*IDF calculator helps to determine the proportion of certain words on a website to that in all other documents. WDF stands for within document frequency and IDF for inverse document frequency. The key concept of text optimization is to specifically target individual terms with a text, highlighting them for the search engine. It’s therefore a question of relevance from the point of view of the search engine rather than keyword density. As the relevance is presented mathematically, text optimization as a whole is based on a mathematical formula: WDF*IDF.

Page speed tool

The XOVI suite’s page speed tool allows you to monitor the load time of a URL, taking into account various documents such as CSS and JavaScript and also the number of requests to external domains. The analyses can be used to take optimization measures which will allow the website to load quicker and therefore contribute to better usability for the user. Load times are presented in seconds and page sizes in megabytes, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments.