“XOVI gets Inbound Marketing” – HubSpot

On Monday, we were delighted to see that HubSpot’s German Inbound Blog had included XOVI on their list of “German SaaS Companies who understand Inbound Marketing”. Danke schön! Here’s what they had to say:

SEO tool provider XOVI from Cologne are another great example to follow when it comes to inbound marketing. And no wonder; search optimization is after all this SaaS provider’s area of expertise. The blog section of their website is divided into two parts – a comprehensive online marketing blog on the one hand and an “expert panel” on the other. Whilst the former is a classic blog providing customers with industry news and general marketing tips, the latter consists of articles contributed by a whole range of well-known names from the industry such as Björn Tantau. Even non-XOVI customers are sure to find all sorts of information to help them in their own business – and who knows, they might become customers too. This is the key. Genuine, good content attracts customers without the need for direct advertising, and XOVI are masters at creating it.

The SEO giants also manage to seamlessly integrate their social media profile in their inbound marketing, best demonstrated by their Google+ profile:

Bildschirmfoto 2015-08-18 um 12.37.00
Direct to relevant content in one word. XOVI know how to use Google+

XOVI are also well represented on Facebook and Twitter, providing their followers not only with information about themselves but also interacting within the industry by regularly posting and retweeting comments and “expert panel” entries from SEO experts. This has enabled XOVI to become a well-known voice in the digital marketing scene, also profiting from regular links and retweets. Furthermore, users can also access XOVI’s visual content on YouTube and Instagram – as you can see, they’re doing things absolutely right.