The Search Analytics Tool
What does the XOVI Search Analytics Tool do for you?
You receive the most important key figures in a visually appealing format. This allows you to concentrate on the essential data. This is particularly valuable for those:
- who find Google Analytics too complex and only need the most important data
- who monitor and report on traffic and user behavior for their customers
You receive precise information about traffic, your target audience, acquisition and visitor behavior on your website, as well as search queries, countries and devices of your users.
Search Analytics Tool overview of services

The Tools

For operators of websites, blogs and small online shops
Number of projects: unlimited
Full access accounts: 1
Read-only accounts: 0

For small agencies and operators of medium-sized websites and shops
Number of projects: unlimited
Full access accounts: 3
Read-only accounts: 3

For agencies, corporations and operators of large websites and shops
Number of projects: unlimited
Full access accounts: 10
Read-only accounts: 30
Search analytics for all data
Say goodbye to logging into different tools and the nerve-wracking process of merging data in different formats. With the XOVI Suite, you not only get all the SEO data you need for better rankings, you can also display your data from the Google Search Analytics tools (Google Analytics and Google Search Console) and from the web analysis tool PIWIK/Matomo. You can also easily add the imported data to your XOVI reporting.

Link one or more web analytics accounts to the XOVI Suite and assign them to the project of the corresponding domain. If you manage multiple websites across different projects, you can connect several web analytics tools and assign them to their respective projects.
Identify the most common search queries
Which keywords brought users to your website? Get to know your target audience and their search terms better and tailor your content to them.

Is your keyword strategy working?
Compare the search queries with your keyword set and check whether you have set the right priorities – or whether you need to adjust your keywords and content again.
Discover the most popular pages
Which pages receive the most traffic? In other words, which of your content appeals to people the most?

Does the majority of traffic go to your landing pages, or are your users interested in something different?
Improve your conversion rate
Optimize already successful pages and increase their conversion rate. Analyze what makes them successful and apply the insights to other pages.

What devices do your visitors use to browse your website? Discover the breakdown between desktop, tablet, and smartphone usage.

To make users feel comfortable on your site, it must be easy to navigate, error-free and convincingly geared towards a single end goal: to purchase your offer. Your website must fulfill these requirements on all end devices.

Make surfing a great experience
Take a close look at the percentage of mobile users. Do many of your visitors use their smartphones? Make sure you have a mobile-optimized and fast-loading website.
Web Analytics: Who are your users?
Which channels do your users use to discover your site? Which subpages do they land on, and how much traffic does each page generate? With the Search Analytics Tool in the XOVI Suite, you can easily find all these answers in one place.
Analyzing target audiences
Language, locations, browsers, operating systems, providers and mobile devices are listed here, giving you the opportunity to take appropriate action.

Identify measures from the target group analysis
The target audience data reveals a lot: for example, if many users have an English language setting, you should offer an English language version of your site.

Discover which channels and media users utilize to access your site, how long they stay, and whether they continue exploring your site afterward. Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your social media activities.
If you need even more data, delve deeper into the performance of your ads and organic campaigns for a comprehensive view of your digital success.

Identify successful channels
Find out which content works particularly well on which channels. Session duration and bounce rate tell you whether your visitors are interacting with your content or not.
The behavior of your users is probably the best starting point when it comes to on-page optimization. Where do your users end up? Where do they spend the most time? And, most importantly, where do users leave your site?

Better pages thanks to behavioral analysis
You should start where the bounce rate is particularly high. Look at these URLs in the on-page analysis and think about what you can improve.

One report for all data
Do you need data from different tools for your reports? Combining SEO and search analytics data is tedious, frustrating and time-consuming, as is processing the data for reporting. XOVI takes this work off your hands. Linking the SEO tool with web analysis tools enables you to add all available data to your reporting with just a few clicks.

Content and layout templates help you to put together a professional report in no time at all that is visually appealing and in the design of your company (or that of your customers).

Comprehensive reports created easily
Compare the winners and losers of important SEO KPIs for up to 100 domains at a glance. You don’t have to create a project to do this and you will immediately see the latest data.
All your customer data in one tool
Link multiple customer accounts seamlessly, a feature especially useful for agencies. Conveniently view all relevant analytics data for each client directly within the suite.
And there’s more: integrate data from Google or Matomo into your reporting for an even more comprehensive overview.

More overview, faster work
Manage all your customers’ SEO and web analytics data in a single tool. Add it to your reports with just a few clicks and get straightforward performance reports with all the data you need.

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Free XOVI training
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Price: free of charge